Yogesh Shinde Apps

Agile Knowledge Tree - Free 1.0
Yogesh Shinde
Motto"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead ofsomething for somebody, you ′ ll end up not doing nothing fornobody." ~ Malcom BaneSo, I have decided not to wait. I&prime m; aware that givingback to society is indeed a complex thought. I have embarked on thejourney of knowledge sharing through a creation of a mobileapplication. As an Agile Enthusiast, I am learning new things dailyfrom each individual whom I meet. During my Agile journey, I usedlots of tools & technique which I wanted to rebuild and presentin the form of an easily accessible mobile application. I am sureit will assist people in the world of Agile community.Following simple mantra is, "Knowledge is the only thing whichyou can multiply by sharing".Kindly extend your support to provide me the feedback andsuggestions to improve this Agile Knowledge Tree (AKT)application.
Agile Knowledge Tree 1.0
Yogesh Shinde
Agile Knowledge Tree - Pro--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No advertise, Full Access to all Jobs, Full Access to allQuestionBank--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Motto"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, insteadofsomething for somebody, you ′ ll end up not doing nothingfornobody." ~ Malcom BaneSo, I have decided not to wait. I&prime m; aware thatgivingback to society is indeed a complex thought. I have embarkedon thejourney of knowledge sharing through a creation of amobileapplication. As an Agile Enthusiast, I am learning new thingsdailyfrom each individual whom I meet. During my Agile journey, Iusedlots of tools & technique which I wanted to rebuild andpresentin the form of an easily accessible mobile application. I amsureit will assist people in the world of Agile community.Following simple mantra is, "Knowledge is the only thingwhichyou can multiply by sharing".Kindly extend your support to provide me the feedbackandsuggestions to improve this Agile Knowledge Tree(AKT)application.